
Wednesday, April 17, 2013


It has been 3 days since this tragedy and I am still trying to process it all. It saddens me deeply that 3 people lost their life senselessly. I just don't understand that level of evil nor do I want to. My heart goes out to all the Victim's. That evening I felt so saddened and almost guilty that life has to go on and the victims families are having to deal with this pain. 


Monday, April 15, 2013

Back to Black

Hey Everyone!

I know I haven't been updating a whole lot lately! I'm sorry! Life gets so busy! Any-who I am often inspired and always looking for different types of inspirations. As everyone knows I really love Pink.... Another color I really enjoy is black. The Hub is not a fan of the black so I don't use it often. I had the Idea of painting my dining room black, He looked at me like I had lost all sense of reality. lol. As he often does. I have created Black Decor File, where I store all my black inspirations. These are photos that I have saved and I wish I had the credits to these photos, because I would really like to include them.

I really enjoy the contrast of the bed and the bedding.
This screams old Hollywood glamour. 

I live for stripes...especially black and white stripes. They always add a classic look.

I mean the gold and black accents are like butter. I just love it.

Bedroom Reveal Part II???? J.K. The Hub would kill me!. 

Thank you all for Visiting! I promise once things slow down here I will start "Designing." I want new living room drapes and cushions. As well with the Kitchen! The Hub is super busy and things over here crazy. 


Monday, April 8, 2013

Pasadena, CA

Hey Everyone!
I hope you all had a great weekend! I was having one of those weekends, so the Hub and I decided to head to the Pasadena City College. They host a Flea market every 1st sunday of the month. With the blog in mind, we got a little side tracked and I just had to snap pictures of the neighborhood for you guys.

Pasadena is such a great city, great shopping, great dinning and beautiful homes. It is located north east of Downtown L.A.. The homes are classic with the most manicured yards and just an open feeling. You use to see homes like this in Beverly Hills, but now they have either been remodeled or are hiding behind extremely tall privacy hedges.

Take a look....

Hope you enjoyed them....


Saturday, April 6, 2013


Hello Everyone!

I hope all is well!.... Well I have been missing in action. I got a little distracted this last week and didn't have a chance to blog. I wanted to give you guys a mini update.

 I'm always being asked by friends, family and their friends for decorating advice or help. This particular room was The Hubs sisters home. I decorated this room December of 2011. It was a challenge as it is a rental home and nothing major would be allowed by the landlord.

The first issue was the flooring! It was unappealing tile throughout the house, so changing it was out of the question. I manage rental properties here in the Los Angeles area, so I have a few connections. I had my carpet guy create a custom size rug for the entire living room. The challenge was sealing the edges on a large rug like this. He managed to come through and did me this huge favor.
DISCLOSURE: These pictures were never intended to be shown, so it was not properly staged. They were just for my personal read on...

I wanted to do something different then I would do in my home. The Hub painted the walls this beautiful blue. The Hub and his sister are both colored blind so they think it is green lol, as long as I know what color it is! She has 4 kids, so I knew comfort was a must. As we were going furniture shopping, she showed me couches shes was drawn to and I would tell her if it would work. She finally settled on these. The brown cushions came with the sofa, although I didn't care for them much, she liked them and kept them.
I actually bought my blue velvet sectional while shopping for her! lol
The large ottoman, the Hub picked out and I thought it was nice for the kids to have fun on it and  offers plenty of storage.
My prize were these side tables. I bought them at Home Goods for $149.00 and I knew they were a steal. I found them at Nieman Marcus on sale $499.00! Original price $629.00!!! She picked out those white fuzz balls..shes the client so she got them lol. The lamps I cant remember where I got them from, But they are great!
We also bought this beautiful mirrored chest, but I never took a picture of it. When I get a chance and head over there I will snap a few more pictures.
